Thermopad Hand Warmers – The Original: 5 Pairs of Heat Pads for 12 Hours of Heat I Ready to Use Pocket Warmer & Back Warmer – The Original: 5 x Heat Pads for 12 Hours of Heat
Product 1: 5 pairs of extra warm pads: no more cold hands. Our tried and tested heat pads – colloquially also known as pocket ovens – ensure pleasantly warm hands in no time at all. Can be kept for several years when un
Product 1: ready for immediate use: no heating required. When the pack is opened, the pad is activated by contact with the air and heats up to approx. 55°C. With 88 x 54 mm, it fits in any pocket, jacket pocket and in any glove as a glove warmer.
Product 1: 12 hours of heat: the small power station. The heat packs are very popular for skiing and hiking, hunting, sports (e.g. as football hand warmers), at stadium and Christmas market visits and at carnivals.
THERMOPAD Handwärmer – DAS ORIGINAL: 5 Paar Wärmepads für 12 Stunden Wärme I Sofort einsatzbereite Taschenwärmer I Extra warmes Heatpad – ideal für Outdoor-Aktivitäten & Handschuhe I Hand-Wärmekissen
5 Paar Wärmepads für wohltuende, angenehme Wärme, Ideal für Wintersport, Stadion- und Weihnachtsmarkt-Besuche sowie Schneewanderungen – – Sofort einsetzbar: einfaches Aufreißen der Packung, Kurz warten, Aktivierung durch Kontakt mit Sauerstoff, Passt perfekt in Handschuhe und Jacken- oder Hosentasche – Lang anhaltende Wärme: bis zu 12 Stunden lang warm, Entfaltet seine Wärme innerhalb weniger Minuten, Ungeöffnet mehrere Jahre haltbar – Natürliche und unbedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe: Granulat aus Eisenpulver, Salz, Aktivkohle, Wasser und Tonmineral (Vermiculit) – Lieferumfang: 5 Paar Handwärmer, Einzeln verpackt, Vlies gefüllt mit Granulat, Gewicht: 30 g pro Pad, Maße: 88 x 54 mm
THERMOPAD Rückenwärmer – DAS ORIGINAL: 5 x Wärmepads für 12 Stunden Wärme I Sofort einsatzbereite Pads I Extra warme Wärmekissen-Pads, auch geeignet als Nackenwärmer, Schulterwärmer & Nierenwärmer
5 Wärmepads für wohltuende, angenehme Wärme für den Rücken, Auch ideal für Wintersport, Stadion- und Weihnachtsmarkt-Besuche sowie Schneewanderungen – – Sofort einsetzbar: einfaches Aufreißen der Packung, Zur Anbringung auf der untersten Kleidungsschicht, Aktivierung durch Kontakt mit Sauerstoff – Lang anhaltende Wärme: bis zu 12 Stunden lang warm, Entfaltet seine Wärme innerhalb weniger Minuten, Ungeöffnet mehrere Jahre haltbar – Natürliche und unbedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe: Granulat aus Eisenpulver, Salz, Aktivkohle, Wasser und Tonmineral (Vermiculit) – Lieferumfang: 5 x Rückenwärmer, Einzeln verpackt, Vlies gefüllt mit Granulat, Gewicht: 44 g pro Pad, Maße: 133 x 95 mm
Product 1: 5 pairs of extra warm pads: no more cold hands. Our tried and tested heat pads – colloquially also known as pocket ovens – ensure pleasantly warm hands in no time at all. Can be kept for several years when un
Product 1: ready for immediate use: no heating required. When the pack is opened, the pad is activated by contact with the air and heats up to approx. 55°C. With 88 x 54 mm, it fits in any pocket, jacket pocket and in any glove as a glove warmer.
Product 1: 12 hours of heat: the small power station. The heat packs are very popular for skiing and hiking, hunting, sports (e.g. as football hand warmers), at stadium and Christmas market visits and at carnivals.
Product 1: safe ingredients: the pads work with purely natural ingredients (iron powder granules, salt, activated carbon, water and vermiculite). Pocket warmers suitable for children.
Product 2: pack of 5 extra warm pads: no more freezing! Our tried and tested heat pads provide intensive deep warmth. The 133 x 95 mm pads can be used as a pocket warmer and body warmer (chest, back, neck etc.). Can be kept for several years when un
Product 2: ready for immediate use: no heating required. When the pack is opened, the pad is activated by contact with the air and heats up to approx. 53°C. Remove the film and apply the self-heating heat patch to the bottom layer of clothing.
Product 2: 12 hours of warmth: the heat packs are particularly popular for skiing and hiking, hunting, carnival, outdoor sports as well as at stadium and Christmas market visits.
Product 2: Non-hazardous ingredients: the pads work with purely natural ingredients (iron powder granules, salt, activated carbon, water and vermiculite).
Specification: Thermopad Hand Warmers – The Original: 5 Pairs of Heat Pads for 12 Hours of Heat I Ready to Use Pocket Warmer & Back Warmer – The Original: 5 x Heat Pads for 12 Hours of Heat
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